c1731006c4 Haiti: A Shattered Nation. Revised and updated version of The Duvaliers and their Legacy . Hictory, as Baby Doc Duvalier fled to France, ending three decades of brutal dictatorship. Haiti: The Duvaliers and Their Legacy. New York . Haiti and the Duvaliers. New York: B . After returning to Haiti, Duvalier became minister of health and labor in . Cite this; Title. Haiti: The Duvaliers and Their Legacy.(Book Review) Also Titled. Haiti: The Duvaliers and Their Legacy. Appears In. Los Angeles Times, 1988 Oct 16, p.1 (ISSN: 0458-3035) At this point a number of Duvalierists and business leaders met with the Duvaliers and pressed for their departure. . PROFILE: Haiti's Jean-Claude Duvalier: . The Downfall of Furniture-Face : HAITI The Duvaliers and Their Legacy by Elizabeth Abbott (McGraw-Hill: $19.95; 381 pp.)
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Updated: Dec 11, 2020